Two-part polyurethane adhesive for bonding fiber-reinforced plastics
United States Patent(美国专利号):9051499
Abstract:A two-part polyurethane adhesive system includes a resin component A and a curative B. The resin component A includes a monomeric polyisocyanate and a prepolymer. The curative B includes a of ether polyol having a molecular weight of from 3000 to 20,000 and another polyol having 4-8 hydroxyl groups and a molecular weight of from 200 to 1000. The system includes a tin (IV) catalyst, which is contained in the resin component, and a blocked aza-type catalyst, which is contained in the curative. The system has excellent shelf stability, gives an excellent open time at ambient temperatures, and cures rapidly when heated to C. or higher.
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