Ashland and Phoseon Announce UV LED Initiative for Laminating Adhesives & Labels
Ashland and Phoseon Technology announce a global UV LED initiative, combining Ashland’s product development expertise in UV LED coatings and laminating adhesives and Phoseon’s UV LED curing lamp technology for the labels and packaging industry.
Appropriate UV LED Lamp Technology
This unique relationship, between two leading suppliers in the energy curable value chain, will provide the converter base with proven plug and play solutions combining compatible UV LED coatings and laminating adhesives with the appropriate UV LED lamp technology.
Ease-of-use Platform
“Creating an ease-of-use platform for converters in UV LED will accelerate the tomarket learning curve, facilitating faster return on investment and early adoption into respective market segments,” said Catherine Heckman, global industry manager, packaging and converting adhesives and coatings, Ashland.
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