BASF has extended its range of high-quality bio-based polyols sold under the Sovermol trademark. The products are used for manufacturing extremely low-emission 2K PU coatings for interior and exterior applications. With Sovermol 830 BASF is launching a new polyol that makes indoor floorings, e.g. in industrial warehouses or sports halls, more resistant. As the resin is produced from renewable raw material and contains no volatile organic compounds (VOC) it greatly contributes to the production of more sustainable coatings with particularly high levels of stability and durability.
Fig. 1: BASF |
Due to a specific chemical modification, the complex polyether-ester polyol has excellent water-repellent properties. It exhibits excellent curing properties, even in challenging curing environments with high humidity and temperature. Due to its high filling levels and low processing viscosity, Sovermol 830 helps to lower the overall cost of a formulation. In addition, the shore D hardness of this thermoplastic material exceeds 60. Despite the extended processing time of Sovermol 830, the material can be walked on after one day only, which ensures shorter downtimes and, consequently, lower costs.
The polyol can be used in coatings for industrial floorings, coatings exposed to potable water and semi-structural adhesives. Apart from its excellent abrasion and impact resistance, the product shows outstanding flexibility even at low temperatures, which prevents cracks from spreading in the substrate. It is therefore the ideal solution for durable coatings. A list of the raw materials that are used to produce the polyol in the “Guideline for the hygienic assessment of organic coatings exposed to potable water” dated June 17, 2013 completes the product profile.
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