Henkel Opens New Diagnostics Lab for Nonwoven Disposables in New Jersey
Bridgewater, USA -- Henkel Adhesive Technologies is bringing new capabilities to the nonwoven disposables industry with the launch of a new product development and diagnostics lab at Henkel’s campus in New Jersey.
Fig. 1: State-of-the-art Adhesive Laminating Coater |
The cornerstone of the new facility is a state-of-the-art adhesive laminating coater. This system offers a new level of support with the ability to model customer processes and replicate their manufacturing environment. The system employs the latest application technology with flexible lamination options and variable operating speeds, from conventional speeds to the highest in use today. “For over 30 years, Henkel Adhesive Technologies has supported product innovation for nonwoven products,” said Ron McKinley, North American Nonwovens Business Manager. “This new facility brings speed and flexibility for new product development. It will allow Henkel customers to model their production line and test new applications for products.” Designed to simulate the customer’s process, the state-of-the-art facility includes single and dual lamination capabilities and a wide range of adhesive application technologies to support any nonwoven disposable conversion process. Additionally, Henkel’s adhesive experts are available to provide collaboration and immediate evaluation of new product trials on the coater.
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