Ashland Introduces Aropol L 67314, a Range of Low Styrene Resins for Marine Industry
Dublin, Ohio -- Ashland Performance Materials, a commercial unit of Ashland Inc. (NYSE: ASH) works with the best boat builders in the world providing them with new technologies for decades that deliver unmatched quality and performance. Ashlands newest product captures the latest trends and needs for high-performance boats. Aropol L 67314 resins deliver a noticeable reduction in the styrene odor and improved cosmetics over standard general purpose marine resins."Ashlands technical service team has an industry-leading reputation for solving problems. We work closely with our customers to understand specific application challenges so we can recommend the best product to meet their business objectives," said Charlie Fisher, Recreational Markets Product Manager for Ashland. "Our latest Aropol product delivers against an unmet need of the market. The resin achieves the desired appearance and process times while meeting current and future regulatory standards." Standard lab styrene tests show that Aropol L 67314 resins helped reduce emissions by 30 percent. Due to lower styrene content of the resin, much reduced styrene emissions are expected.Emission prevention and reduction in the workplace, health concerns about styrene, and air quality standards are fundamental drivers for governmental regulatory agencies to demand lower styrene in composites manufacturing. Ashland has created a low styrene resin that can minimize exposure to styrene vapors thus creating a more pleasant, safer workplace.
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