Zurich, Switzerland -- H.B. Fuller (NYSE: FUL) has launched a new water-based pressure sensitive adhesive named Fulltak SE 8301. Formulated using proprietary polymer technology, it helps beverage producers efficiently remove PSA labels during the label wash-off process of returnable bottles.
Fig. 1: Fulltak SE 8301 |
H.B. Fuller has a global track record of recognizing trends and developing adhesive solutions to address industry challenges and changing market needs. Over 125 years of close collaboration with manufacturers has culminated in H.B. Fuller’s comprehensive water-based pressure sensitive adhesives that provide robust solutions for customers.
Robust in terms of adhesive performance. Robust in terms of supply flexibility. Robust in terms of technical support, delivered through generating a close technical collaboration.
Fulltak SE 8301 connects ideal coating, drying and conversion performance for the label stock producer with optimum labelling performance and clean label removal for the beverage producer. Intricately designed PSA labels can be efficiently applied to glass bottles. Under typical conditions, Fulltak SE 8301 delivers two hours ice-water resistance, thus maintaining brand integrity during use. Additionally, returned bottles are easily processed through the wash-off cycle - labels coated with this new adhesive are cleanly removed during a typical warm, caustic wash-off process, and importantly, it remains coated on the label, minimizing contamination of the wash water.
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