The United States Department of Agriculture has awarded a $1M grant to Iowa State University for development of new biobased paint, coating, and adhesive products. U.S. Secretary of Agriculture—Tom Vilsack—commented that the goal is, “The ability to take what we grow, convert it into fuel and energy and as bi-products and co-products of that production process; create additional materials like adhesive materials or coating materials that are used by American businesses to package items; and to basically create new job opportunities.” As such, the grant to ISU is part of a larger series of grants supporting research that hopes to create new products and make use of agriculturally-derived materials. Traditionally, petroleum-based products have been used to make many paints, coatings, and adhesives. Creating new biobased adhesives and coatings has the potential to create jobs and revitalize rural economies. It may also allow companies producing these products to switch to more environmentally friendly source materials.
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