Curing with UV-LED-light has helped to elevate light curable adhesive bonding to new levels of advancement. Until recently, UV-LED-hardening adhesives were limited to free-radical curing acrylates. With the recent development of new and innovative photoinitiators, cationic curing epoxy systems can now also be hardened in seconds.
Equipment manufacturers are now offering a new generation of UV-LED-curing equipment with higher output intensities, significantly reducing curing time for adhesives and coatings. Epoxy based resins can now be cured as fast as light curable acrylates. These UV-LED cured epoxies cure as quickly as with broad spectrum UV light cure but with added benefits.
Techsil supplies a range of UV LED adhesives that can be used in a multitude of applications. These ranges of UV curing adhesives can be used with a wide variety of substrates such as plastics, glass, and metals and are used extensively in many sectors such as: electronics, medical equipment, glass bonding, and optics. The main range is Vitralit from Panacol which are all single component adhesives that cure within the space of a few minutes.
All Panacol LED-cure epoxy adhesives and sealants may also be cured using traditional broad spectrum UV curing equipment. Thus the new generation of epoxies can be incorporated into existing UV bonding processes.
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