Arkema has announced the start-up of its new plant for the production of methyl acrylate, an acrylic acid derivative used in the manufacture of polymers for water treatment, elastomers and engineering polymers. This investment, on its Clear Lake site in Texas, represents the last phase of a $110 M investment plan intended to strengthen Arkemas rankings in the US acrylics market.
Following the commissioning of a 2-ethyl hexyl acrylate INSERT INTO [lzx].[dbo].[tb_new]([id],[type],[title],[source],[personal],[image],[contents],[time],[number]) VALUES (2EHA) production plant in Bayport in 2012 and the opening of an acrylic acid capacity expansion in Clear Lake in June 2013, the start-up of a 45 KT methyl acrylate plant represents the last phase of the revamping and capacity increase plan for Arkemas acrylics business in Texas announced in November 2010.
This commissioning now makes Clear Lake one of the worlds leading manufacturing sites for acrylic acid and derivatives.
With the completion of this investment program, Arkema aims to fully capitalize on the growth of acrylic acid and derivatives in the fast-growing markets of water treatment, superabsorbents and enhanced oil and gas recovery.
A global chemical company and one of Frances leading chemicals producers, Arkema is building the future of the chemical industry every day. Deploying a responsible, innovation-based approach, it produces state-of-the-art specialty chemicals that provide customers with practical solutions to such challenges as climate change, access to drinking water, the future of energy, fossil fuel preservation and the need for lighter materials. With operations in more than 40 countries, some 14,000 employees and 10 research centers, Arkema generates annual revenue of ?.4 billion, and holds leadership positions in all its markets with a portfolio of internationally recognized brands.
Source: Arkema
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