Atlanta, GA - Leading emulsion polymer manufacturer, Sythomer LLC has announced a new national distribution contract in the USA with Omya Inc.
Omya will officially begin the contract on 1 July 2014. The company will be responsible for the nationwide distribution for all emulsion polymers sold by Synthomers Construction & Coatings and Functional Polymer business units through its network of subsidiary companies. The major markets covered by this distribution agreement are coatings, building materials, adhesives, textiles and bonded fibres.
The contract is an extension of an existing agreement between Synthomer and Omya which has seen the two companies work together for almost 10 years across the globe.
Ian Anderson, Synthomer Vice-President, Marketing and General Manager, Synthomer LLC said: "We have a high regard for Omyas approach to the markets we serve and fully believe that this extension of our partnership will enhance the service we offer to our US customers and improve our market position".
Synthomer develops and markets polymers used in a wide range of industries to create and enhance everyday consumer products. Whether youre reading a book, opening a pack of breakfast cereals, painting your kitchen, labeling an envelope, laying a carpet, tiling a bathroom or simply driving the car, you could be using a product that has been improved by Synthomers scientists. They hold positions 1, 2 or 3 in all of their chosen markets and have a proven record to generate added value to its customers through in-depth application know-how and strong R&D support.
Source: Synthomer
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