Toyo Ink Chemicals Taiwan Co., Ltd. (President and General Manager: Masashi Sawamura; Annan district, Tainan City, Taiwan) and Toyo Ink Group announced recently that they will exhibit at "Touch Taiwan 2013: International Touch Panel and Optical Film Exhibition" to be held on August 28 through 30, 2013, at Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall (Annan district, Tainan City, Taiwan).
Touch Taiwan is an exhibition where suppliers of touch panels, OLED, optical film and other items from Taiwan and around the world display their achievements in next-generation technology in Taiwan, a center for the worlds display industry. It is hosted by organizers including Taiwan Display Union Association (TDUA) and this will mark the second exhibition for Toyo Ink Group following its first exhibit last year.
The Toyo Ink Group has been manufacturing and selling materials related to flat panel displays in Taiwan since 2002. Through this line of products, which is achieving strong market penetration in Japan as well as in East Asia, the Group intends to further entrench its brand in the Taiwan market, which boasts the worlds largest production volume of touch panels. Further, to meet new customer demand, the Toyo Ink Groups unique products and solutions will be presented at the exhibition.
Major Products for Exhibition
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