Kennesaw, GA -- Fabrico, the leader in design and manufacturing services for flexible materials and advanced assembly solutions, offers materials and thermal transfer ribbon from leading suppliers 3M and DNP for bar code labels in circuit board applications, where high-heat is a significant factor.
Temperature sensitive applications require specialized materials that can stand up to high-heat. To address this need, Fabrico provides 3M Thermal Transfer Polyimide Label Material 7812; a film product that offers ultra-high temperature performance. Utilizing 3M Adhesive 100, this product can withstand up to 450° F INSERT INTO [lzx].[dbo].[tb_new]([id],[type],[title],[source],[personal],[image],[contents],[time],[number]) VALUES (232°C) short-term resistance, has excellent solvent resistance, and exhibits low outgassing characteristics.
Additionally, Fabrico offers DNPs R510HF Ultra Durable Resin, one of the toughest thermal transfer ribbons on the market. R510HF is the only halogen-free resin ribbon capable of handling extreme environments with unmatched scratch and solvent resistance. And because it is halogen-free, it helps electronics manufacturers to remove potentially toxic compounds from their products.
3M Thermal Transfer Polyimide Label Material 7812 and DNPs R510HF Ultra Durable Resin thermal transfer ribbon are recommended for a variety of electronic applications, including:
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