KINGSPORT, Tenn. -- Eastman Chemical Company (NYSE:EMN) has completed the expansion of its hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins facility in Middelburg, The Netherlands. The Middelburg expansion, which is the third expansion of its Regalite hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins, has doubled capacity at the site since 2006.
"We continue to see the demand of our hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins grow around the world," said Brad Lich, vice president and general manager of Eastmans coatings, adhesives, specialty polymers and inks business. "This expansion, in combination with our debottlenecking of Eastotac hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins capacity in Longview, Texas, and our expansion of hydrocarbon capacity in Jefferson, Pennsylvania, demonstrate our commitment to growing with our customers and to meeting demand in developing regions."
“We are pleased with the latest expansion at our site," said Rien Jonker, site manager at Middelburg. "The additional capacity will increase our capability to meet the markets growing needs and assure customers reliable supply now, and in the future.
The Middelburg tackifier resin plant is one of the largest in the world, producing a range of hydrocarbon resins, rosin resins, and dispersions. Eastmans Regalite hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins have been produced since 1985, and are used extensively in a wide variety of hot melt adhesives, polymer compounds and plastic modifications. Thanks to their versatility and broad compatibility, Regalite hydrogenated hydrocarbon resins can be formulated with a wide range of polymers, and offer excellent color, stability and adhesion.
Eastmans chemicals, fibers and plastics are used as key ingredients in products that people use every day. Approximately 10,000 Eastman employees around the world blend technical expertise and innovation to deliver practical solutions. The company is committed to finding sustainable business opportunities within the diverse markets and geographies it serves. A global company headquartered in Kingsport, Tenn., USA, Eastman had 2010 sales of 5.8 billion.
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