Kaneka Aerospace Acquires Henkel Composites Portfolio
Kaneka aims to achieve more than $200 million in sales by 2025 in high-performance composites in aerospace by fully utilizing Kaneka's global R&D resources.
Kaneka Corp. recently announced that Kaneka Aerospace LLC and Henkel Corp. have finalized the transfer of commercial rights, technologies and patents of benzoxazine-based high-performance composites business from Henkel to Kaneka Aerospace. Included in the acquisition are benzoxazine based prepregs, film adhesives, and infusion resins. Several of these products have been qualified in the aviation market.
Following the acquisition, Kaneka will reportedly continue to seek M&A and partnership opportunities for further growth. Kaneka aims to achieve more than $200 million in sales by 2025 in high performance composites in aerospace by fully utilizing Kaneka's global R&D resources.
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